I'm not big on milkshake cocktails, but this is just too simple and yummy to ignore.
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A classic cold war cocktail from the sixties that went out of favor until “The Dude” brought it back into our consciousness. Who doesn’t love the dude and want to emulate him? Well, he makes his White Russian with non-dairy creamer in this scene, which I don’t recommend:
Although, to his credit, he does buy some half and half in the opening scene, which he pays for by writing a check for 69 cents… which coincidentally he dates Sept. 11, 1991 while George H.W. Bush talks on the TeeVee in the background. The movie was released in 1998, and although he dates the check ’91, it looks like ’01:
Conspiracy or coincidence? Whatever, call me a terrorist, but I like my White Russians with heavy cream. Most recipes call for light cream or even milk, soy milk or (gasp!) skim milk! Yuck! Suck it up and do it dairy and do it right! Go big or go home – half and half at the very least. I also sprinkle a bit of nutmeg on mine. The most important trick is to float the cream on top by pouring it slowly over the back of a spoon to keep it separate from the booze underneath. It takes a bit of practice, but you’ll enjoy drinking your fuck-ups.
A few tips: provide a spoon or stirrer to let the drinker mix their drink:
And be careful with the mustache:
Enjoy and have fun with this. There are many variations and even some ridiculously fancy variations too. You might also try mixing yours with flavored vodkas – I used Effen’s Black Cherry vodka which has some subtle vanilla notes and makes this even yummier. You might also try cinnamon, lemon or even orange infused vodka – anything that pairs well with the coffee and cream – like a fucking creamsicle.
2 oz. vodka (cherry/vanilla or other flavor)
1 oz. Kahlúa liqueur
1 oz. heavy cream (or other milky liquid)
Mix vodka and Kahlúa and pour over ice in low ball glass, float cream on top by pouring slowly over back of spoon, sprinkle nutmeg on top.